This year has been a struggle for many of us. Even I, the constant optimist and positive thinker, have had my moments. Half of my revenue streams are on hold, but I have made the proper adjustments. But with this new normal, you reflect on the things you miss more than you would have first realized. For me, it is my nightlife family.

My club event-photography was more than an underpaid alcohol-fueled side gig for me. It was one of my most substantial connection to the queer community, as well as my much-needed stress relief. With a whiskey and Coke (two limes) in my left hand and a camera in my right, I could socialize using a vast net. Something my quiet, socially awkward self couldn't have down without the comfort of being behind a camera and creating something for my community and nightlife family. I appreciate that gig so much more now we've been apart due to the pandemic. That often underappreciated, underpaid gig of nightlife photographer, with drunk gays bumping into me, loud girls asking for one more photo, drag queens tossing glitter into my camera lens, and everyone texting me first thing next morning asking me to send them a picture of them.
I fucking miss it.
All of it.
When (or if) it's safe to return to how things were, I want to be there, wedged into a crowded dance floor, drenched in someone else's drink, camera in hand.
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